Server-side / performance: node . php . java . , Performance of php + apache depends a lot on apache optimisations for specific load, and php version and settings as well as opcode cache in use. so benchmark here is not relevant. also, a lot of people talks about nginx + php-fpm , but all of my single php page tests showed that apache+mod_ssl performs ~10% better.. Passmark performance test download page, Benchmark the speed of your pc computer hardware, then compare the result to other machines. includes disk, 3d and cpu tests..
Benchmark Access Test: Paxton Net2 Entry - Benchmark
Round-up: Flexible Access Control Benchmark
Benchmarks Definitivos de PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, y 7 ...
Xtralis: ADPRO PRO E Detectors – Benchmark

Php performance tuning: 12 simple tips - stackify, Here 12 simple php performance tuning tips. tip: find application errors performance problems instantly stackify retrace troubleshooting optimizing code easy integrated errors, logs code level performance insights.. Php - php7 faster python3 executing, As extremely simple benchmark, executed simple code php 7.0.19-1 python 3.5.3 (command line) raspberry pi 3 model . python' execution time horrible comparison php' (74 seconds 1.4 seconds).. 11 php frameworks modern web developers 2020, With php popular server-side programming language 2020, put php frameworks 2020 emerged offer developers ability build complex, secure, -rounded web applications faster ..
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